by Abb Jones The Reelness With movie theaters closed worldwide for most of the year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 was the year online streaming platforms took center stage as we all had to get our movie fixes from the safety of our own homes. 2020 also will be known as the year of […]


By Abb Jones The Reelness With Halloween fast approaching, let’s escape our 2020 COVID-19 nightmare for a bit and focus on some fun movie horror. The streaming platforms have been adding lots of content for the holiday – and frankly, a lot of it is garbage – so we thought we would come up with […]


January is usually the cinematic graveyard where bad films, typically horror movies that studios have deemed likely box office bombs, go to die a quick death. But next month’s horror line-up looks a bit busier (and could it be… even more promising??) than in recent years, with FIVE horror films hitting U.S. theaters over six […]